
03 Jan, 2024

5 Crucial Steps After Launching an Online Store

So, you have just launched your online store. After so much effort and time, you finally got that result.


Congratulations on it! 


But, do you have to stop here?


Absolutely not !!!!!


The battle is half done. Creating an online store amounts to 50% work done, so you are still left to do another 50% work. Just because you have a website and an online store, doesn’t mean you will have people to visit your store so easily. 


The real game starts here. By implementing strategies, you will have to attract people to get into your store and website.


Don’t worry, we are here to guide you.


Conduct these 5 things to skyrocket your website and store traffic that is listed below.

Let’s begin now!

1. Conduct Social Media Marketing

Social media is a goldmine. As David Altson correctly says, 

“Social media is not a media. The key is to listen, engage and build relationships.”

These are some strategies which will help you ace your social media marketing game for your eCommerce.

 Determine your eCommerce company’s objectives set via social media

Most eCommerce businesses fail to plan on goals to be achieved through social media. They start posting content without a proper plan. And as a result, the conversions which would otherwise happen go for a toss. The goal set to be achieved can be either increasing traffic to your store| or website or fostering sales. Different types of content are used in both objectives. The primary requires informative content and the second requires persuading content.

 Post valuable content

Content will thrive only if it solves the pain points of your users. Try posting ‘How to guide’, ‘trends’, ‘use cases’, and so on. Such informative content evokes action and the customer is likely to buy your product. No one wants to read sales content. 

 Use social media ads

 A recent report by Hootsuite stated mind-boggling statistics.

Here are some of these:

  • Facebook advertising, if optimized and used, can reach around 190 million people across the world. 
  • Instagram ads can reach 140 million people.
  • Linkedin ad campaigns can reach around 170 million-plus people all over the world.

So, eCommerce businesses do not miss on this tactic.

2. Tap into the power of Search Engine Optimisation i.e SEO

One of the solid reasons why most eCommerce businesses do not fetch higher returns on investments is the lack of investment in SEO.  SEO primarily helps in ranking higher on search engines like Google and Yahoo. When any person puts a query on the search engine, your website’s blog would rank in the top 10 positions if it is optimized well.

 Here are some of the best SEO strategies that you can use to ace your eCommerce business. 

  • Strategy for the on-page SEO
  • Putting up the right keywords is essential for your eCommerce store. This on-page SEO tactic will help you to rank higher even in other SERPs i.e Search Engine Results Page.
  • For conducting the keyword research, use tools like Ahrefs, Google Keyword planner, etc to know the search volume, keyword difficulty, and most importantly the buyer intent. Alternatively, you can use Amazon or your competitor’s website for searching higher buyer intent keywords.
  • Optimization on eCommerce product pages 
  • You need to put proper keywords in the URL of your website. It acts as a catalyst to drive traffic to your business.
  • Place keywords in the page title tag\ H1 tag at the beginning of the page. 
  • Additionally, keywords have to be placed in the first 300 words of your copy, metadata, and the image alt tag.    

3. Keep giving Gifts, offers, and discounts to your customers

Who does not love free gifts? Free gifts and giveaways are a booster to your eCommerce businesses. Try giving free new products to your loyal customers to widen your relationship with them. Other times can be any public holidays or anniversaries of your business. Give flat discounts and offers as a token of appreciation.  The impact of such gifts is huge. Not only does it leave a positive image in front of your customers, but also builds up your reputation in the market.

4. Use the Power of Content Marketing

Julie Fleischer rightly says, 

“Content marketing provides 4X the Return on Investment of our traditional marketing spend”.

Content marketing provides all the required information that is helpful to the buyers. Create SEO-optimized blogs on how-to content, trends, problems, and solutions offered, and so on. These are the most evergreen content. Provide a list of FAQs i.e frequently asked questions to solve the major issues underlying your product. Moreover, provide a comparison between reviews received by your store against your competitors.

5. Go for a PR i.e Press Release 

You need to create awareness for your product, otherwise, it might disappear into the pool of your competitor’s products. It is necessary to create noise online. And what better works than a PR? Reach to these below-mentioned people 

  • Reporters
  • Social media influencers
  • Industry-specific bloggers
  • Media houses 

Tell your story about creating the product. Keep publishing evergreen content and do not forget to share your accomplishments. The more positive publicity you will get, the more sales of your products.

6. Build up your Email list

Email marketing is promotional leverage that you should definitely try out. Put an email section alongside your product pages. Emails can bring customers to your store. Also, you can give updates about your new offerings, discounts, gifts, and links to your blogs to your customers. Keep your subject lines of emails catchy, to drive open rates of your emails.

The Final Thoughts

Follow the above-mentioned steps, once you have created your online store. Marketing and content distribution are fuels to drive up your product sales. It takes time but is worth doing it.

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